;---------------------------- Global Strings ---------------------------------
(set #hello-msg (cat "\nRainboot3\n-\nMultimedia's Got A Name\n\nVersion " ver "." rev "\n\n(C) Copyright 1996-2000 Andreas Falkenhahn & Kimmo Pekkola"))
(set #locale-msg (cat "Select a language to use\nWählen Sie eine Sprache aus"))
(set #keys-msg (cat "\nThe installer has found Rainboot 2.x keyfiles on your harddisk! "
"To use Rainboot3 in an uncrippled way, you've to upgrade for only "
"10 DM/$8 USD.\n\nPlease have a look at the documentation to see "
"how to purchase your personal upgrade. Thank you!"
(set #kick39-msg "Sorry, you need at least Kickstart 3.0 to use Rainboot 3.")
(set #destdir-msg "Where you want Rainboot3 to be installed? A drawer called Rainboot will be created.")
(set #libs-msg "Copying libraries...")
(set #copyil-msg "\nCopying iff.library to LIBS:...")
(set #copyrbl-msg "\nCopying Rainboot.library to LIBS:...")
(set #copympl-msg "\nCopying medplayer.library to LIBS:...")
(set #copypll-msg "\nCopying player61.library to LIBS:...")
(set #copyprl-msg "\nCopying ptreplay.library to LIBS:...")
(set #copytl-msg "\nCopying thxplay.library to LIBS:...")
(set #copyidl-msg "\nCopying identify.library to LIBS:...")
(set #copyrb-msg "\nCopying Rainboot3 to C:...")
(set #copyrbd-msg "\nCopying Rainboot3.data to C:...")
(set #copygm "\nThe GetModeID tool can be used to find out the modeid for a screenmode! Do you want to install it?")
(set #copygm-msg "\nCopying GetModeID to C:...")
(set #copy-msg "Copying files...")
(set #example-msg "Which of these example configs do you want to install?")
(set #fonts-msg "Do you want to install the fonts also? The examples won't work correctly without these fonts.")
(set #fonts-help "FuturaB, FuturaL and GoudyB are going to be installed in your FONTS: drawer")
(set #start-msg "Do you want Rainboot3 to be copied in your WBstartup drawer?")
(set #start-help "Copying Rainboot3 to your WBStartup drawer closes the bootscreen at the end of the booting. This does not start a new Rainboot2 even if one isn't running. It only stops it.")
(set #wbstart-msg "Where is your WBStartup drawer?")
(set #edit-msg "Now you still have to edit your s:startup-sequence. Just put the line (one line!):\n\n")
(set #edit-msg2 "\n\nsomewhere after the monitordrivers and reset your Amiga.\n(You might also need a MODEID or CGFX argument so check the docs for details)")
(set #edit2-msg "If you want to use Rainboot3 you must first create a config-file (check the docs and the examples) and the put Rainboot2 in your startup-sequence. Somewhere after the monitordrivers is probably a good place")
(set #tools-msg "Which tools do you want to install?")
(set #startmenu "What do you want to do?")
(set #choice1 "Install Rainboot")
(set #choice2 "Configure Rainboot")
(set #configintro "\nRainboot wasn`t found in your S:Startup-Sequence. Do you want the Installer to add it to your Startup-Sequence?")
(set #found1 "Rainboot has been found in your Startup-Sequence in the following line:")
(set #found2 "What to do with this line now?")
(set #found3 "Change line")
(set #found4 "Delete line")
(set #found5 "Nothing")
(set #sconfig "Which configuration do you want to use while booting?")
(set #wargs "Which options do you want to use?")
(set #arg1 "RTG - for usage under CGfx and Picasso96")
(set #arg2 "BESTFIT - use bestpossible screenmode")
(set #arg3 "PUBLIC - open a public screen")
(set #arg4 "USEDEFAULTS - use default settings (recommended)")
(set #try1 "\nShall the selected configuration ")
(set #try2 " now be displayed so that you can check if it works on your system?")
(set #ftry (cat "\nIf the configuration has been displayed correctly, you can click on Continue "
"now, it`ll be added to your Startup-Sequence. If there have been errors occured "
"please look in the documentation or contact me for help!"
(set #warn (cat "\nWARNING! Are you sure that Rainboot shall be added to your Startup-Sequence? "
"If you want this click on Continue now. A backup of your current Startup-Sequence "
"will be saved to S:Startup-Sequence.rainboot!"
(set #fini (cat "\nRainboot has been successfully installed in your Startup-Sequence! "
"You should reboot your Amiga now and look, if they config is displayed "
"correctly. If this is not the case, you can look in the documentation "
"or contact me for help. To restore your old Startup-Sequence, open a Shell "
(set #ifi (cat "\nThe installation has been finished successfully. You can configure Rainboot "
"now if you`ll click on Continue. If you don`t want that, you`ll have to click "
"on Abort."
(if (= #locale 1) (
(set #keys-msg (cat "\nDer Installer hat auf Ihrem System Rainboot 2.x Keyfiles gefunden. "
"Um Rainboot3 uneingeschränkt nutzen zu können, müssen Sie jedoch für "
"10 DM upgraden.\n\nBitte schauen Sie in die Dokumentation, um zu "
"erfahren, wie Sie Ihr Upgrade bestellen können."
(set #kick39-msg "Sie benötigen mindestens Kickstart 3.0, um Rainboot 3 benutzen zu können.")
(set #destdir-msg "Wo möchten Sie Rainboot3 installiert haben? Ein Verzeichnis namens Rainboot wird dort angelegt!")
(set #libs-msg "Kopiere Libraries...")
(set #copyil-msg "\nKopiere iff.library nach LIBS:...")
(set #copyrbl-msg "\nKopiere Rainboot.library nach LIBS:...")
(set #copympl-msg "\nKopiere medplayer.library nach LIBS:...")
(set #copypll-msg "\nKopiere player61.library nach LIBS:...")
(set #copyprl-msg "\nKopiere ptreplay.library nach LIBS:...")
(set #copytl-msg "\nKopiere thxplay.library nach LIBS:...")
(set #copyidl-msg "\nKopiere identify.library nach LIBS:...")
(set #copyrb-msg "\nKopiere Rainboot3 nach C:...")
(set #copyrbd-msg "\nKopiere Rainboot3.data nach C:...")
(set #copy-msg "Kopiere Dateien...")
(set #copygm "\nDas GetModeID Tool kann benutzt werden, um herauszufinden, welcher ModeID zu welchen Bildschirmmodus gehört. Möchten Sie es installieren?")
(set #copygm-msg "\nKopiere GetModeID nach C:...")
(set #example-msg "Welche dieser Beispiele möchten Sie installieren?")
(set #fonts-msg "Möchten Sie auch die Schriften installieren? Die Beispiele funktionieren ohne diese Schriften nicht korrekt.")
(set #fonts-help "FuturaB, FuturaL und GoudyB werden in Ihrem FONTS: Verzeichnis abgelegt!")
(set #start-msg "Soll Rainboot3 in Ihre WBStartup gelegt werden?")
(set #start-help "Rainboot3 in Ihrem WBStartup Verzeichnis schließt den Bootbildschirm, wenn Sie den Befehl %W in Ihrer Konfiguration benutzen.")
(set #wbstart-msg "Wo ist Ihr WBStartup Verzeichnis?")
(set #edit-msg "Jetzt müssen Sie noch Ihre Startup-Sequence edieren. Fügen Sie einfach diese Zeile (nur eine Zeile!):\n\n")
(set #edit-msg2 "\n\nirgendwo nach den Monitortreiber ein und starten Sie Ihren Amiga neu.\n(Möglicherweise müssen Sie auch das MODEID oder RTG Argument benutzen, schauen Sie in die Dokumentation!)")
(set #edit2-msg (cat "Wenn Sie Rainboot3 benutzen möchten, müssen Sie zuerst eine Konfiguration "
"erstellen. Schauen Sie sich einfach mal die Beispiele an oder schauen Sie "
"in die Dokumentation. Außerdem muss Rainboot in Ihre Startup-Sequence "
"eingefügt werden!"
(set #tools-msg "Welche Tools möchten Sie installieren?")
(set #startmenu "Was möchten Sie machen?")
(set #choice1 "Rainboot installieren")
(set #choice2 "Rainboot konfigurieren")
(set #configintro "\nRainboot wurde nicht in Ihrer Startup-Sequence gefunden. Möchten Sie, dass der Installer Rainboot dort einfügt?")
(set #found1 "Rainboot wurde in Ihrer Startup-Sequence in folgender Zeile gefunden:")
(set #found2 "Was soll mit dieser Zeile passieren?")
(set #found3 "Zeile ändern")
(set #found4 "Zeile löschen")
(set #found5 "Nichts")
(set #sconfig "Welche Konfiguration möchten Sie während dem Booten verwenden?")
(set #wargs "Welche Optionen möchten Sie verwenden?")
(set #arg1 "RTG - für die Verwendung unter CGfx und Picasso96")